Vital Orthopedic & Spine Institute

Things You’re Doing That Are Making Your Back Pain Worse

Things You’re Doing That Are Making Your Back Pain Worse

Things You’re Doing That Are Making Your Back Pain Worse

When you have back pain, it makes every little task more difficult. But did you know you might be engaging in activities that actually make your pain worse? Keep reading to learn what aggravates your back pain and how to get relief.

Back pain is a common ailment, often leading to missed events and work. Some forms of back pain are temporary, while others are chronic. Either way, it’s important that you understand what makes your pain worse, so you can avoid further complications and disability.

At Vital Orthopedic & Spine Institute, our experienced team helps you understand what makes your back pain better and worse, so you finally get some relief. Dr. Robere Missirian and Dr. Asif Shafiq are our two board-certified orthopedic and neurosurgery specialists. They get you the treatment you’ve been waiting for to get your back issues under control.

Common causes of back pain

When back pain strikes, it causes pain in your back, buttocks, and legs. Sometimes the pain comes on suddenly, while other times it creeps up over time. 

A lot of things can lead to back pain. Simply twisting the wrong way or bending over to pick up an object is enough to tweak the muscles and nerves in your spine. Other common causes of back pain include:

  • Bad posture
  • Sciatica
  • Sprains or strains
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated or bulging discs
  • Degenerative disc disease

Osteoporosis also sometimes causes compression fractures in your vertebrae, which typically lead to pain. Less common causes of back pain include spine infections and spinal tumors.

In many cases, back pain goes away on its own with rest and home treatment of heat and anti-inflammatory medications. However, if your pain continues to return, it could be from something you’re doing everyday that you’re not even aware of.

What’s aggravating your pain?

If your back pain continues to sneak up on you, it could be due to things you’re doing regularly that are aggravating it. Sometimes, you don’t even know you’re doing things that are causing more harm than good. Some of the lifestyle factors that aggravate your pain include:


Your posture plays a large role in the health of your spine. When you constantly slouch, it puts a lot of excess pressure on your muscles, discs, and joints. When slouching is a constant in your everyday life, it leads to back pain.

Avoiding activity

When you have pain, you likely don’t want to exercise. However, sitting around actually makes your pain worse. Sitting too much often leads to slouching and poor posture, putting strain on your spine. Exercising helps keep your core strong and provides you with increased circulation to that area.

Lifting heavy objects

Lifting too much too often is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your back. With constant lifting, you’re more likely to get tired and use your back instead of your legs. Strains and sprains are common when you lift too much too often.

Bending too much

Muscle pain in your back could be caused by bending forward too much. This puts too much strain on your back muscles and discs, sometimes causing injury or aches and pains.

Avoiding back pain in the future

When your back is bothering you, the team at Vital Orthopedics not only provides you with helpful treatments, but also gives you tips to prevent the discomfort from returning. You should take several steps to keep your back pain at bay, including:

If you need to lift or bend a lot for your job, make sure you’re using proper body mechanics to prevent injury. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when it comes to lifting heavy objects.

The team at Vital Orthopedics helps you get your back pain under control. With proper care and lifestyle changes, you should be able to manage your pain, and even get rid of it for good. 

Don’t continue to suffer with back pain. Call one of our offices in Pompano Beach, Fort Myers, Hollywood, or Lake Worth, Florida, today to book a consultation with our team. You can also schedule an appointment using our convenient online booking feature