Vital Orthopedic & Spine Institute

Are Your Shoes Causing Your Knee Pain?

Are Your Shoes Causing Your Knee Pain?

Are Your Shoes Causing Your Knee Pain?

While shoe style is important, your knee health trumps your fashion sense. If you have knee pain, the wrong shoes could be behind your discomfort. Keep reading to learn what types of shoes are bad for your knee joints.

When you have knee pain, it interrupts every aspect of your life. From walking to get the mail to simply getting out of bed, each step may seem unbearable. But did you know your shoes could be what’s making your knee pain happen?

At Vital Orthopedics, our team of specialists helps you finally get relief when you’re dealing with uncomfortable knee pain. Dr. Robere Missirian and Dr. Asif Shafiq are our two board-certified orthopedic and neurologic specialists. They assist you in finding out the cause of your knee pain, and provide customized treatments to allow you to get better at our offices.

Signs of a knee problem

Everybody has an ache or pain at some point in their lives. When it pops up in your knee, the pain may seem like it lasts forever. In some cases, the pain is due to a minor injury or condition that goes away on its own.

However, when your pain sticks around, it could be the result of a bigger issue. No matter what the cause, it’s important that you understand when knee pain is a problem. Some of the signs that signal something’s wrong in your knee include:

  • Decreased range of motion
  • Swelling
  • Inability to walk
  • Instability
  • Weakness
  • Crunching or popping

If you have any of these symptoms, you could be dealing with osteoarthritis or an acute injury. Any of these could be caused by simply wearing the wrong type of shoes. Your shoes aren’t only vital to your feet, but they also play a role in other joints, especially your knees.

Could your shoes be the problem?

A lot of factors play into knee pain, including your footwear. Your shoes aren’t only important for your feet — they also lead to issues in your knees when they don’t fit properly.

High heels are constantly on the chopping block for your feet — and for good reason. Not only does the high angle cause issues with your feet, but it also adds pressure to your knee joint. High heels put your knee at risk for osteoarthritis.

Clogs are another type of shoe that’s not good for your knees. These shoes put a high load of weight on your knee, leading to wear and tear, along with arthritis and other problems.

Shoes with too much arch support prevent pronation, which is essential for both your knees and your feet. Pronation helps spread out the force of walking, taking pressure off any single joint.

So, yes, your shoes do truly play a large role in your overall knee health. Picking the right type of shoe is vital to keeping your knees out of pain and in good shape.

What to look for in good shoes

If the team at Vital Orthopedics determines that your knee pain is the direct result of your shoe choices, there are things you can do to prevent further issues. Our team helps you find the right type of shoe that won’t compromise your knee health.

Many aspects of a shoe affect your knee joint. Some of the things you want to look for in a good, supportive shoe include:


Think about how you walk when you’re barefoot; this is how you want it to feel when you have on shoes. Flexible shoes are good for knee osteoarthritis, allowing your feet to bend naturally and taking the pressure off of your knees.


Shoes that are too firm lead to issues in your knee. When shopping for a shoe, make sure to look for one that’s soft. A soft shoe keeps your foot moving naturally, keeping your knee joint out of pain.

Not too much support

Too much arch support in your shoes is actually a bad thing when it comes to your knees. It keeps you from pronating your feet, which allows your weight to be distributed evenly, instead of taxing one joint too much.


Think of how walking barefoot allows you to move naturally. This is another aspect you want to look for in a shoe. Something that’s very simple, that mimics the movement of your foot when you walk without shoes, is best.

You also want to be sure to buy shoes that are comfortable for you. If they’re not comfortable when you try them on, they likely aren’t going to be a good fit for you or your knees.

If you’re tired of dealing with knee pain, don’t hesitate to call one of our offices in Pompano Beach, Fort Myers, Hollywood, or Lake Worth, Florida, today to book a consultation with our team. You can also request an appointment on our website.